

Women in start-up ecosystem (WISER) is the first and largest study on gender diversity in India’s startup ecosystem. The Women in India’s Startup Ecosystem Report (WISER) aims to enable key stakeholders in the startup ecosystem to advance gender equality through representative data and actionable insights. The effort is intended as an annual exercise to set goals and monitor progress on gender equality metrics in the startup ecosystem.





Project Partners

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WISER is a data-for-action initiative aimed at generating insights & recommendations to lower demand-side barriers for women in the Indian startup ecosystem, and help founders and human resource leaders create impactful initiatives to support that goal.


Areas of Focus

  • Understanding the current level of women's participation - Creating a baseline of women's participation to show existing state of sector and facilitate future tracking and monitoring overall and across the corporate pipeline, across stages of startups, and across sectors of startups


  • Understanding what can be done to ensure higher level of women's participation - Understand the reasons for unequal participation of women at each level - ~20% focus on founders and ~80% focus on employees/ gig workers Identify levers that founders & investors can employ to increase women's participation


key Activities

Survey creation, deployment, data collection, and analysis (including conducting qualitative interviews with founders, employees, and CHROs)

Flagship report creation, organization scorecard design, and launch of WISER

Contextualizing findings for individual startups to build a gender inclusivity index