

Indian women constitute close to half of the health workforce in India (about 46% overall) but there are fewer women in middle management and senior leadership. This is consistent across sub-sectors, where women are absent from middle and senior positions, in what is called the ‘leaky pipeline’ phenomenon. There are numerous reasons behind this attributed to structural, organisational, and individual factors. For women to move up the decision-making ladder, sectoral and organisational initiatives have been implemented to varying success. More streamlined, concerted action on the part of the State, industry bodies and organisations is required to move the needle on women in health sector leadership.

Project Partners

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The project aims to accelerate progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 5 by achieving women’s equal access to leadership positions in healthcare, and improved policies for women and girls. This will happen through the identification, engagement, and expansion of tested solutions, ecosystem actors and advocacy spaces.

Areas of Focus

  • Landscaping with secondary and primary research to understand the field and potential avenues for intervention.


  • Deepening research & developing TOA by establishing a knowledge/evidence base, partnerships, strategy, and processes for the implementation of pilots.


  • Implementing pilots in selected organisations across selected industries, documenting scalable and repeatable solutions, and knowledge dissemination.

key Activities

Landscaping on women in leadership in healthcare in India focused on sub-sectors to focus on, roles to prioritize, and barriers to address 

Building the theory of action (TOA) for the project (including creating a Menu of Solutions)

Developing pilot strategies through identification of sub-sectors and lighthouse orgs of focus

Implementation of pilots in private sector (including ongoing monitoring & tracking of data collection)

Regular roundtables and co-development of knowledge products