

Uttar Pradesh (UP) is a front-runner in India’s economic success story, having the third-highest gross state domestic product among states, growing at 7.6% CAGR over the last 5 years. However, the state has one of the lowest FLFPRs among top state economies and ranks at 25 out of 28 states with 22.6% female LFPR (PLFS, 2020-21). The state envisions building a USD 1 trillion economy by 2027. To achieve this the government aims to bring in women as key partners in the state’s economic growth.




Project Partners

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The vision is to enable integration of women as Partners in Uttar Pradesh’s Progress – providing strategic support to drive the WEE agenda in the state and accelerate meaningful participation of women in the workforce, and also ensure alignment with the trillion-dollar economy mission.


Areas of Focus & Key Activities

  • Map relevant government departments and agencies in UP, with bearing on WEE agenda

  • Complete a desktop review of schemes, policies, and budgets for each identified department and agency

  • Complete secondary data analysis at State and district level for WEE outcomes and levers


  • Benchmark UP's performance against other states on flagship national programs from a WEE/gendered lens


  • Conduct consultations with State Departments, practitioners, other stakeholders to ideate on potential intervention models


key Activities