

The private sector in India is characterized by a low FLFPR combined with an absence of universal reporting standards by companies. However, the women’s employment data landscape is rich and recent efforts to promote reporting gender data at the company level is an important addition. 


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Udaiti envisions CTGG as a go-to hub on women’s representation in the workplace that includes data, analytics and a resource. CTGG looks to drive commitments & action towards gender parity in the workforce through leveraging CII. Levers include supporting gender disaggregated data, narrative-building, creating champions & platforms, and industry & policy engagement.


Areas of Focus

  • Strategic engagement with industry


  • Annual dashboard, shelf of analytics and flagship report

  • Digital platform aggregating Tools and Technical Assistance (TA) to companies

key Activities

Aggregating data from secondary sources including public data and existing corporate sector data from annual reports, publicly available data, and exploring paid databases for additional metrics 


Conducting surveys, outreach and RFIs, covering indicators on gender composition, pay, hiring practices, organizational infrastructure/policy measures present), and company preference

Building a dashboard and microsite

Organizing events (e.g. CGGap awards, etc) and generating insights pieces based on dashboard data

Supporting the creation of a Gender Secretariat/PMU